If you haven’t seen yesterday’s post on the Benefits of Masturbation yet, read that first. Go ahead. It’s okay. I’ll wait… So! After all those amazing benefits you might be thinking, “but Lex, I’ve always heard that doing it solo is a bad thing. Is it all good or are […]
If you haven’t caught on by now, masturbation is one of my favorite things. Let me give you some more reasons why that is. Releases sexual tension. Reduces stress. Helps you sleep better. Improves your self-esteem and body image. Helps treat sexual problems. Relieves menstrual cramps and muscle tension. Strengthens […]
I’d like to share with you one of my biggest pet peeves. This is a huge misconception, and people that believe so often cause a lot of frustration, if not damage, to themselves and others. What am I talking about? The idea that masturbation is just a place holder for […]
Why Is It Bad? This week I’m breaking my usual format a little to tell the story of a good friend of mine. I received several different versions of this statement submitted to me. “The type of porn you watch is indicative of what you really want.” “You should always […]
Hey there. I’m Coach Lex (@sexcoachlex on all the social medias), and I’m a certified sex coach. I love to help people gain new skills, overcome their challenges, and learn to communicate. I believe learning to communicate is the basis for a fulfilling sex life, and expectations and assumptions are […]