Why Is It Bad?
I love condoms. Really, I do. They’re great. I wouldn’t be me without them. But saying that you CAN’T get any STD/STI when using a condom is simply inaccurate. Condoms are not a panacea from all sexual risks.
Condoms greatly reduce the risk of getting sexually transmitted infections that are passed through bodily fluids. They don’t prevent you from catching infections that can pass on through bodily contact on other parts of the body. For example: pubic lice, HPV, herpes, and syphilis.
The effectiveness of condoms can also be reduced if they are not applied correctly, expired, or used with any oil based lubricant.
What Can You Do Instead?
So what are you to do my horny friend?
First, keep using condoms. They are very effective. [According to the CDC, “the exact magnitude of protection has been difficult to quantify because of numerous methodological challenges inherent in studying private behaviors that cannot be directly observed or measured.”1 Please visit their website for a fuller explanation.] Make sure you are using them correctly (leave a comment on IG if you want me to make a video on this topic). Finally, make sure you are not using a natural condom, like lamb skin. Natural materials have pores that are small enough to stop sperm, but not viruses and bacteria. You should use condoms made from latex, polyisoprene, or polyurethane.
Step two is to get tested regularly. If you have multiple partners, you should preferably get an STI screening every 3 months (at least every 4 months). In some communities, or depending on your other safer sex practices, it is appropriate to get tested more often, like every 6 weeks. Even in a long-term monogamous relationship it can be appropriate to get tested. Speak to your medical provider for what is most appropriate in your situation.
It may also be appropriate to get on PreP. Again this depends on your personal practices and the communities you play in, so make sure to speak to your medical provider.
As always, keep learning, stay curious, and stay in touch
Until next time, 😉
1. https://www.cdc.gov/condomeffectiveness/brief.html
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